Monday 4 March 2013

Tick medication without side-effects works magically

Tick medication without side-effects works magically
Every pet owner who attempts to free his or her dog from flea and ticks thinks that an expensive tick medication will save their pet form the deadly fleas and ticks. Really these grave mistake pet lovers do. They do not realize that tick medication must be side effect free else, it will do more harm to the pet than doing any kind of benefit to the pet.

Some of the fatal side effects of a harmful tick medication are 

Irreversible brain damage 
These tick medications contain chemicals which affects the nervous system of the fleas and therefore if the pet in digest this medication then the nervous system of the pet will also be affected. If there is more than one, pet in the house then they may also take in this medication. Therefore, you need to follow certain rules after you have applied the tick medication on the pet.

If there are more than one pet in the house then keep the pet aloof, on whom you have applied the tick medication. Keep it in a room for 24 to 48 hours. Do not cage the animals; tie it in a common place in the house so that it does not feel alone.After you bring the pet outside make sure that no other pet is licking it.Make the pet wear veterinary come so by doing this the pet will not able to lick itself. Just follow these simple rules after applying the tick medicationand keep the pet safe from going through any bad side effect.

Tick medication can damage the intestine of the pet 
If pets lick their own body after being applied a tick medication, then their intestine will be damaged for sure. This is because the chemical in any flea or tick medication is too harsh on the intestine. The pet may vomit and will surely suffer a lot.
If you buy cheap tick medication then it is quite possible that the pet may suffer even further s make sure that you buy a well branded tick medication which will not have any such side effects. You can also try some natural remedies to kill dog fleas and ticks.

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